Help children to work, play, co-operate with each other and function within a group beyond the family.
Children leave with best all-round foundation for starting school.
Each time a child enters the classroom at the beginning of their session, they are encouraged to find their name and place it in the post box. This gives all children a sense of self and belonging within the school environment and reinforces recognition of the phonics in their individual names.
Dressing themselves/ Self-care
Popper, zip and button frames within our Practical Life section of the classroom reinforces skills and confidence in personal dressing.
Practicing taking shoes on and off when going outside for play.
Putting on their coat, hanging up the coat on their individual peg, placing their book bag/completed work in their named tray/bookbag.
Hand washing after using the toilet.
Using a tissue effectively to wipe and blow their own nose and discard of the tissues.
Help Yourself at Snack Times
Children choose their fruit and pour either their milk or water from a jug into their cup. This builds independence and fine and gross motor skills and co-ordination.
Imaginative Expression
Children are given wide opportunities to express themselves creatively and imaginatively each day. Through role play, arts and crafts, contributing to discussions with their own thoughts and taking in initiative with freedom of choice.
These skills are crucial for independence and critical thinking, not only building their sense of independence but also a sense of pride in their work.
Taking Care of Pets
At Acorn, children have the chance to help look after our school fish, taking turns in feeding ‘Wibble’.
Each Spring we take part in the ‘Living Egg Project’ where the children observe the hatching of chicks and then care for them during their first 2 weeks of life. Observing them, feeding them, and holding them with gentle kind hands.
Teaching the children how to care and look animals gives them a sense of responsibility, helping them to care with sensitivity for living creatures. This brings increased sensitivity, much new language which helps to strengthen their sense of independence.